How to Add Employee on your company profile

How to Add Employee on your company profile

A. Please visit

  Login into your company profile

B.      On the Menu Pane, click on “Employees”

C.      Click on “Add Employees”

D.     Ener Employee TIN, Email or SSN

E.      If new employees don’t have TIN click on “New employee doesn't have TIN yet? Click to Create TIN

F.      After E above, Click on Check

G.    Enter all the fields and click on “Update Employees Information.”

H.    For Bulk Upload

  i. Follow Steps 5.C Above

  ii. Click on Bulk Upload

    1.     Click on “Click to download Sample.”

    2.     After file is downloaded, fill in all the employee details       according. And Save.

    3. Click on “Click to select file for bulk upload”, to upload the       saved file